Do you need a compact, sturdy, bump resistant portable radio with decent audio & reception to move around your RV- both inside & outside?
RV Makeover Quick Take: Step in Style & Function
Here is a quick RV makeover you can do cover your RV step in a more durable & cleanable way for very little time & money.
Trip Report: Greenwood Furnace State Park in Pennsylvania
Right in the middle of PA, Greenwood Furnace State Park has a little history, hiking, and wildlife- a perfect combination for an RV weekend.
The Cost of Older RV Updates: Touching Up Axl Roads
Owning an older RV comes with a price tag – not only for updates & mechanical repairs, but also for cosmetic repairs you might not expect!
Poison Ivy Itch Cure
Looking for a poison ivy itch cure? We found it…after trying a few home and store remedies!
RV Makeover: Painting Your RV Cabinets and Hardware
Give your RV a makeover in three short days with these simple steps for prepping and painting your RV cabinets and their hardware.
3 Wildlife Viewing Must-Haves for Your RV
Be prepared to identify the wildlife you encounter with these 3 important must-haves for your RV, plus one other bonus item!
The Ark Project
Traveling down Route 68 in Maryland, you can’t miss seeing The Ark Project! How did it come to be and when is it expected to be finished?
RV Makeover: Removing Your RV Carpet to Install Vinyl Planks (or not)
Removing your RV carpet is a breeze, but carefully consider what will replace it! Are you active? Have pets? Get into mud? All these factors matter!
Trip Report: Austin Dam, PA
If you are traveling through north central Pennsylvania, Austin Dam Memorial Park along Route 872 in Potter County is an interesting pit stop for you & your crew.
3 PA State Parks To Visit & Our Top 3 Picks
We heart Pennsylvania State Parks! Learn some of the history of PA state parks and which to put first on your list to visit.
Helping Senior Dogs Rock the Road
Senior dogs rock! Traveling with senior dogs is a breeze, especially with these hacks to help them rock their life comfortably on the road.
3 Steps to Finding the Best RV and Axl Roads Early Days
Finding the right RV is a challenge! Where do you look? How much do your spend? Learn what to consider and where to begin!
Lesson$ Learned: Keeping Your RV Batteries Charged
We learned a valuable le$$on during the off season: the secret to not wasting money on RV batteries before the season even starts!
RV Makeover Quick Take: RV Refrigerator Chalkboard in 5 Simple Steps
Easily convert the front of your RV refrigerator into a great, erasable place to make lists or take notes in just a few simple steps.