Fire up the campfire pit for our delicious and easy-to-prepare kielbasa apple mix that also features potatoes and colorful peppers!
Recipes and Reads
What’s cooking over the campfire and what pages do we recommend turning?
These are a few of our favorites!
Recommended Reading: Secrets of Snakes
You’re bound to encounter some slithery friends while camping and hiking- Secrets of Snakes unravels the myths & mysteries!
Recommended Reading: Our Wild Calling
Could there be a more perfect camping read? Our Wild Calling by Richard Louv dives into our connection with animals using true stories and research.
Trip Report: Staying Home for COVID-19 Crisis
While you can’t get out and explore as much as you’d like during the COVID-19 crisis, there are lots of things you can learn and accomplish at home!
Recommended Reading: Where the Crawdads Sing
Is it a nature novel? Is it a survival story? Is it a murder mystery? Where the Crawdads Sing is the perfect page-turner for your weekend getaway.
EASY Campfire Recipes: Chicken Parm Burgers
Stoke the flames and try our campfire recipe for these simple, juicy, Italiany & cheesey chicken parm burgers with a side of zesty zucchini spears.